Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So what do we do with all this snow? Build a Quinzhee!

Our friend Jef convinced a couple of Cool Dads in the neighborhood to build a Quinzhee. It's kind of like a dug-out igloo. I finally got to "experience" the frosty hideaway tonight.

It's pretty amazing that with the heat of a single candle and our own body heat, the Quinzhee gets warmer than you'd think it would inside. Apparently the air in the snow pack acts as insulation. And it's a great shelter from the wind.

The entrance is pretty low-down to the ground. I didn't think I'd fit through the door, but Jef (never one to be deterred) told me to lay down, put my arms out and he pulled me in. I felt like a Mumma Bear in her den with her cubs. It was kind of neat. We sang a few songs, read a few stories with Oliver and Aiden. When I exited, I again laid down on my back and Jef pushed me out by my feet. By then, the sun had set, and I could see a magnificent sky-full of bright stars through the branches of the trees. It was like being born again! From this cozy little womb of the Quinzhee out into the cool star-lit world outside.

The yard where the Quinzhee is built overlooks Lake Winnebago. The view is magnificent! And because their backyard is a Lake, there is less light pollution from the city.

What else do we do on the Lake?

Oliver and Maggie
In the distance, you can see a few ice fishing shacks. They had to be removed this past Sunday. It amazing how a whole other village crops up on the frozen lakes during the winter months. I've never gone ice fishing, so I'm not quite sure what the attraction is ...

You'd think a frozen lake would be silent and sleeping ... Guess again! The ice settles. The frozen lake is more like a drum tightly wound. The sheet of ice settles, and makes plenty of noise in the process. Listen to this Lost and Found Sound Clip to get an idea of what I'm talking about.


Christian Long said...

mmm, frosty

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, and what a nice time to see it. The thought of a cool snow house is pleasurable on a hot summer day. DMJ