Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wildlife Sightings : Bald Eagle and Blue Heron

Bald Eagle

Great Blue Heron
[Photos from the US Dept. Fish & Wildlife--in the public domain]

I take my lunches in the hospital cafeteria, overlooking a restful pond. This week at lunch, I saw an unusual site : A great blue heron flew in (unusual as we don't see them in winter, though they are very common in summer with open water). Right behind it was a bald eagle--with an unmistakable white head and tale. It swooped in and passed the heron, and rested briefly in a tree. I'm sure he was just passing through ...

I've never seen a bald eagle so close to home. I'm glad they are making a comeback, and that I got to see it.

Some Native Americans attribute meanings to totem animals. Eagle symbolizes courage, freedom, and perspective. He teaches us to fly and carries our prayers to the skies. Heron symbolizes self-determination and self-reliance. Heron follows it's heart with the wisdom of knowing what's best for itself ...

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