Monday, October 15, 2007

Nickle and Dimed : What was my time worth?

I thought it might be amusing to list the various jobs I've had through the years along with the respective hourly wage :

$2/hour Bailing hay for Grappa in the early 1980s

$1.50-$2/hour Babysitting 1980s

$2.90/hour Clerk at a bookstore (student wage was much less than minimum wage)

$4.25/hour Dishwasher at Food Service in College

$2.10/hr +tips Waitress at summer resort (avg was more like $4.50/hr)

$4.25/hr Work study student in college library (Reference Assistant)

$4.25/hr Clerical help for Cancer Prevention Clinic in a university town

$4.50 Student runner for Inner Library Loan (This was a fun and interesting job!)

$5.50 Pharmacy Technician

$6/hr + benefits Clerical help for a trust fund dept at a bank

$8/hr Seamstress

$10/hr Library Assistant (temporary) for Inter-Library Loan

$11.25/hr + benefits Library Technician in a Hospital (also interesting work!); 20 hrs/wk

Salaried with benefits Librarian with Masters Degree

All I can say is that education and experience makes a difference, and there's nothing like a dead-end job to make you want to get a little more education and improve your situation.

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