Monday, October 8, 2007

Family Stories : Seth is Born

Photo from 1972 (or thereabouts). Seth, me, and Auntie Cindy with Toto(?) as a pup.

My brother Seth was born only 51 weeks after me. Yes--Irish Twins. On October 8, 1971 (Great Grappa Ingalls' Birthday), the family took Holly to the Antigo Memorial Hospital. Once there, the hospital staff told Gramma and Grappa Pickles to go down to the cafeteria to have supper, because it would be a while before the baby would be born. When they came back, Dad said, "A Seth! We have a Seth!"

Gramma Pickles ran down the hall yelling, "A set! A set! Twins!"

Dad had to explain, "No--just one--a boy. His name is Seth." My parents had not yet explained their choice of names. They originally wanted to call him Scott, but there were several other Scott babies in their apartment building in Stevens Point at the time. Seth was the next name after Scott in the name dictionary.

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