Friday, November 2, 2007

Thoughts on Mortality

If you knew when you were going to die, would you live your life differently?

Is knowing when you'll die a gift or a curse?

If you had the opportunity to plan your funeral, would you do it or not?

Would you want the chance to say goodbye to your loved ones, to help them prepare for your departure (as after an illness)?

OR would you rather die suddenly and unexpectedly as in a car accident (like Princess Diana) or from a burst aortic aneurysm?

Would you want to die as a young person, or after a long life?

Would you want a prolonged illness like Alzheimer's, where you're here, but you seem to be somewhere else?

Or would you choose a prolonged illness like cancer where you are sentient?

After pondering these questions, I've decided I want the best of both worlds--I want to be able to plan my life and funeral. I want to live deliberately, and I want my loved ones to know how much they mean to me.

As for an occupation--yes, librarianship is a worthy occupation. But if I knew my days were numbered, I would prefer to spend my time creating (probably quilting). People will remember me for what I left behind : those creative endeavors of a life well-lived.

Part of the idea for starting this blog came from pondering these kinds of questions. This is sort omy online scrapbook of things I don't want to forget, things I want my family to remember ...

[Shillings--I wrote this months ago. But EG's passing made me want to set it down here now ... I am thinking of you!]

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