Monday, August 20, 2007

Laundry Day : Making Memories

Carol Suto's quilt "Monday Morning 1955" was featured in the 2005 I Remember Mama Exhibit at the International Quilt Festival in Houston TX.

When I do my laundry, my 6-year old likes to roll in the light-medium-dark piles sorted on the floor. At first, I thought this was kind of strange--until he said he likes the smell of me.

That gave me pause, and I realized, this is one of HIS memories in the making : The smell of his Sweet Mumma. How do you put that into a bottle? I can't even tell you what that smell is--I'm too close to it. But he knows ...

Years from now, after I'm gone, he'll remember that scent, and think of me.


Another time, Oliver wanted me to stand in a certain place in the sun; I wanted to stay in the shade. I finally relented and went where he wanted me to go. He stood back and brought a pretend camera to his eyes and "clicked" the shutter to take a photo of me with his mind's eye. Another Memory.


One of our jobs as parents is to help make memories for our kids. But it's not the huge expensive trips or toys that they'll remember most after we're gone. It's the little things : a taste, a smell, an image, a story, a laugh, a word of encouragement ...

What memories are you making?
What memories do you have of your parents?

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