Sunday, July 25, 2010

Somewhere in the Wings of Time ...

When I was 17 years old, I wrote a letter to my favorite writer at the time : Laurens van der Post. My mom received the letter at home, and brought it to me at the book store where I was working after school. I looked at the envelope with the British stamp on it, and couldn't figure out who it might be from, but I knew it was important. My heart was racing as I opened it ...

"VdP! It's a letter from VdP!" That was my shorthand for his name. I was so excited to see that he had actually written back to little ol' me in northern Wisconsin! I have kept this letter framed ever since.

Here's what I wrote him (taken from a draft that I kept) :

Dear Mr. van der Post :
I am happy you still live and that I have this opportunity to express my sentiments to such a wonderful writer.

I shall begin by explaining how I came to know your work. Initially, I was a fan of David Bowie, curious to see his talent as an actor. I saw the film Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence. It was among his best acting, but in it, too, I found a great story of honor, guilt, and values I find missing in this world. I did finally acquire the book, less violent than the film and full of such beautiful prose! Do you remember this line? "The wet earth at our feet was like an antique mirror and we stood with our feet among the stars." Lovely! I've since read In a Province, First Catch Your Eland, and Face Beside the Fire.

I am not so old--just 17. The lessons we learn in History class trouble me. Your books are hopeful. The mystical sense in your writing holds me. I am grateful for that and so I thank you. Africa fascinates me and your doorway to the landscapes, foods, people, and stories keeps me dreaming that one day I might see it with my own eyes.

Would you one day be so kind as to autograph a copy of Yet Being Someone Other for me? I would so appreciate it. I wish you many helthful years to come.

With Only Respect,

Michele Matucheski
Even after all these years, this letter still means a lot to me. He had a way with words!

Who stands in your own "wings of time?"


Anonymous said...

What a great story, Michele! I love imagining your 17-year old self writing this letter and then the immeasurable joy at actually receiving a personal response!!! Very, very cool! So glad you saved your letter to him and his response back! I've never heard of VdP (sorry....) but I am now intrigued!

Peace & smiles,

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!!! And, I so enjoy reading your blogs - it's like visiting this creative, beautiful, warm space everytime I read one.