Saturday, April 17, 2010

We are in France!

This is how I can tell -- a real bona-fide croissant, buttery and fresh! Pass the green plum preserves! Yum!

Actually, we were in France for the first 2 weeks of April. (We left the Paris airport just hours before it was closed due to the ash clouds from the erupting volcano in Iceland.) Since we did not have regular internet on the trip, I'll be posting things here for the next few weeks. Enjoy!

A little more explanation : The mother of my husband was French. So every other year (or so), we go to visit family and friends in France. Don't think of it as a once-in-a-lifetime dream vacation to France that we get to do again and again. It's more like a long way to go to see family. Lots of great food and company! Stay tuned ...

1 comment:

Mande said...

All great posts about your travels in France. All that wonderful food looks great! I love that house too. Did you get to stay there for a few days?