Friday, December 30, 2011

Hand Portraits

 Holly Matucheski : Hands of  a Quilter
Nurse, Mother, Daughter, Wife, Gramma, Gardener, Reader

A few year's ago, the Hospital where I work celebrated Nurse's Week with Hand Portraits.  Many people didn't want their pictures taken, but they were perfectly ok with having their hands photographed.  Hands do the work; Hands do the caring.  It was a very moving display of so many nurse's hands. 

A few years ago, I saw a beautiful photography display at Evergreen, a retirement community here in Oshkosh.  They had beautiful black and white hand portraits of some of their residents.  Often with a moving quote.  I loved this display, and wanted to capture some of the hands in my family that I want to remember ...  So at Christmas this year, I took a few pictures.

Gramma Pickles - Violet Smitmajer
I love her red fingernail polish, and the sparkles!  Her ring-finger is missing a knuckle from when the cow kicked the shovel she was holding in the barn ...

Frank Matucheski - being goofy

Rosita Matucheski's Hands

 Ray Matucheski's Hand

 These are my hands, full of cranberries!

“Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.”  
-- Carl Sandburg 

My own hands again, with currants from the back yard. 


Mande said...

Love this. I think the hands do tell a lot about a person. Would like to see and touch all those people's hands on a more frequent basis.

Terrie said...

What a great idea for a series - I might just borrow it! Thanks for the visit.