Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bran Muffin Purgatory

A few weeks ago, I decided I would be good to my gut and make a batch of bran muffins. The plan was to eat bran muffins for breakfast instead of my beloved scones.

So I found a recipe and made enough bran muffins to feed an army. All that roughage takes up space in the mixing bowl as well as your colon. For the recipe I used, my biggest mixing bowl was nearly not big enough.

They tasted just ok. Perfectly nutritious and good for me ... There was just no JOY in eating those things. I missed the blueberry scones--some things are just grandfathered in.

The best way to describe what it felt like eating those bran muffins would be The Loaf.

Illinois Prison Nutraloaf

This American Life did a show on behavior modification (Sorry--I can't find it to link). One of the stories was about The Loaf given to prisoners who exhibit bad behavior. They get nothing but The Loaf to eat until their attitude improves. did a story on The Loaf --to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Perfectly nutritious and good-for-you, just not very appealing. Just the threat of eating The Loaf is enough to bring some prisoners into line.

No more bran muffins for me. I'll get my fiber from carrot cake and pumpkin pie!

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