Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things She Said ... Quotes from the Branches of the Tree

This is my friend Sandy. She died suddenly and unexpectedly in 2001.

Quotes from the branches of the Tree :

I'm so glad you're here.

I'm okay with not having right now.

If true love were common, it wouldn't be so valuable. It's not a dime a dozen. He'll pick up a rhinestone. It'll take a while to save up for a diamond.

You can get exactly what you want in life--just not all at the same time.

We're all just temporarily not dirt.

You're not dead yet, Kid!

One day when you're secure with yourself, got some money, and have learned to live for yourself, then when you're least expecting it YOU'LL sweep someone right off their feet.

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to live completely.

You deserve someone who appreciates you.

You don't have to knock on love's door--There is no door!

You may be afraid to LOVE, but never be afraid to LIVE!

Keep your eyes on the prize : The prize is YOU!

I will do my life on my own time.

You can make as many mistakes as you want.

Why buy the cow if the milk is free?

I'm so proud of you!


Sandy : "Duane, There's your fleabane daisies!"
Duane : "My fleabane daisies?"

To CL : "You break her heart, I'll kill you." (He hasn't :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice! You have captured her well.

Buttons was also quoted as saying, after having drunk perhaps too much
alcohol the night before, that it:
"must've been that _last_ Michelob"
