On our trip-of-a lifetime to Alaska in June, we spent some time at beautiful Denali National Park. At one of the eateries in the park, the Old Sourdough Studio let you dress up and be photographed living out classic Alaska scenes. The one that really caught my eye was riding a bear while the northern lights danced in the sky above you ...
I really liked this whole idea because I was thinking about :
1) John Hiatt's song "Some mukluks, some seal skin gloves and a coat with beads around the collar"
2) Margaret Murie and her fur-lined ruff on her wedding day in 1925 and
3) this whole tourist dress-up thing would have really irked my mother-in-law had she been along. ;-)
Here's a shot of the the Lodge near our cabins at Denali. That evening it was raining on one side of the building, and sun shining on the other side, with a rainbow in between.
Here are some pictures of the dress-up stage. I even convinced Oliver to go along with me. He was looking forward to the chance to wear a wolf fur, and hold a rifle. He also picked the shot with the sled dog. We'd seen and heard a lot about the sled dogs at Denali. Though it may not sound like much, this was a big deal to me. For the past 3 years, Oliver has been terrible about pictures. If someone wants to take his picture, he suddenly becomes a gargoyle and is generally unpleasant. His school pictures are awful--He actually practices looking deadpan, depressed and miserable. Sometimes, if someone else is taking the photo, he will smile, but he won't show any teeth.
Happy Camper.
I thought it was great fun, and worth the price to get Oliver to smile.