Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lightning Storm 4-10-2011

Cloud-to-cloud lightning in this storm gave off quite a show Sunday night (April 10, 2011). It was almost a constant stream of lightning. Although you can hear a little rain falling in the background, the thunder was just a low rumble in the distance, barely audible. This is just 45 seconds from our front porch. Although we went to the basement for a while to wait out twister tendencies, the storm wasn't really too bad by us. We were on the edges.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

David Sylvian - Rare

An assortment of David Sylvian videos on YouTube. I've tried to purchase the Mps, but these don't seem to be available. So I'm pulling them together here in one HP post, so I can find them again later.

After all these years, David Sylvian is still making beautiful music. So sit back and enjoy a quiet evening. You won't be disappointed. ;-)


I Have Waited for You

Moments in Time

For the Love of Life

Some Small Hope